Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

TUGAS ESP SPEAKING (Explaining Prosedure)

Hani     :           Hai Mala.
Mala    :           Hai Hani.
Hani     :           How are you today ?
Mala    :           I’m fine. And you ?
Hani     :           I’m fine too.
            How about your OSCE today ?
Mala    :          One think make me so nervous when I tested with Mr. Muslih. I was told to motivate people who are accident and his feet in amputation. I was very nervous once could not say anything. But eventually I can take the words although cannot maximum.
Hani     :           I think you very nervous.
Mala    :           Yes, I’m very nervous.
            Hani, How about your OSCE today ?
Hani     :          I tested with Mrs. Aini Alifatin, Mrs. Tutu, and Mr. Muslih. Do you know ? One think            make me so nervous when Mrs. Aini Alifatin examine me and order me to do PMR relaxation to her self. Initially, I’m so nervous but as time goes on i started accustomed to do it.
Mala    :           Hmm, that is so trilling because this is our experience the first time.
Hani     :           May OSCE to come much better than this day.
Mala    :           Aamiin.

Creator by       :           Nurmala Agustin                     201510420311054

                                    Hanifatuzuhro Syaifudin         201510420311058

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